People make fun of Iowa. I don’t exactly know why. Usually it’s people who have never been there, which makes it all the more objectionable. Frankly, it offends me! While I certainly love the green rolling hills and lush woods of our backyard in Maryland and the proximity of the city, which I find endlessly entertaining ... Iowa is not without it’s charms!
I love going back to Iowa!
I love the strong sense of community you feel there, no matter how long you’ve been gone! I love how new friends become like old friends in the course of an hour at The Bar and old friends quickly become new again. I love the vast expanse of green fields. I love that you can look out into the backyard and realistically visualize a pick up game of kick ball ... and it happens! I love that we know the neighbor lady! I love driving by the bakery and smelling the goodness from inside the car! I love hearing the rumble of Harleys and recognizing the drivers! I love that Grandma might actually be the passenger! I love that the lines between friends and family are very, very blurry! I love that we’re huggers! I love that everyone is welcome at the table, no questions asked. I love that the little kids we used to pay 4 bits to go get us a beer out of the cooler are now old enough to buy us beers in the bar. (I said they are old enough to do so, not that they do!!!) I love that my nieces and nephews “get” me! I love that my nephew, Justin, is perfectly willing to help demonstrate the Hands-Free Underwear Adjustment Dance at the drop of a hat. I love that I don’t know the exact number of people in my family!
I love that they all want to visit DC!
Don’t ever make fun of what you don’t understand! And you should never assume anything about a culture you’ve never visited. There’s no reason to make fun of Iowa: You are more than welcome to laugh with us!!!