Thursday, November 21, 2019

Maybe You Should Care

I saw these two memes on Facebook yesterday. I know they were meant to be empowering but they actually kind of bothered me. I shouldn't even say "kind of" because they actually bothered me a lot.
I am not saying anyone should live their life trying to please everyone, but I think it is terribly rude and even dangerous to not care about anyone else's thoughts or feelings.
How could I ever make an informed decision if I don't care about anyone else's feedback? How could I ever better myself if I am the only one I care about? How could I ever capture the beauty of the world if I only take pictures of myself?
I know I am taking this to an extreme, but I truly believe we need to care about others. We need to care what they are doing and what they are thinking. We need to listen to more than just the voices in our own heads.
To quote one of my very favorite people, "Interested people are interesting people."