Thursday, June 27, 2013

Blurred Lines

The Voices in My Head have been singing Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines for approximately 5 days in a row.  The problem is, The Voices really only know Pharrell's part.  The rest they make up as they go.  So it comes out something like this:
          The dogs are jumping - Hey Hey Hey
          You wanna eat breakfast? - Hey Hey Hey
           Should I iron blue jeans? - Hey Hey Hey
           My hair is funky - Hey Hey Hey
           That's cuz it's raining - Hey Hey Hey
And that goes on and on and on chronicling every thought and move I make.  When they run out of things to say, they just say, "Blurred Lines!"  But sometimes, they even forget the Blurred Lines part and they accidentally sing, "BATMAN!"


smelly said...

I think you may have just ruined my favorite song!! Batman! Haha!

Becca said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song, but I make myself laugh whenever it gets stuck in my head the wrong way!!

Becca said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this song, but I make myself laugh whenever it gets stuck in my head the wrong way!!

Stacie Lee said...

This made me laugh so hard. (Okay, now to prove I'm not a robot...)