Monday, January 5, 2009


I was driving to work the other day, a new day in this new year, with a ziplock baggy of left over turkey in my lap. As I am munching away, I saw one of my nice nearby residents going for a jog in our neighborhood. She turned as I approached and smiled at me with sweat on her brow and deep releases of breath turning white in the crisp air. I smiled back and waved at her.
With a piece of turkey in my hand.
Oh my God, I thought to myself, I am totally waving meat at my super-fit neighbor from the cozy comfort of my convertible!
I decided then and there that I, along with my country, need CHANGE! I need to get out more! I need to exercise more! I want to be the super-fit neighbor people wave their meat at ...
wait ...
you know what I mean!
So, my New Year's Resolutions for 2009 include getting fit, enjoying the out-of-doors every single day regardless of weather and schedules, taking more pictures (as proof?) and writing more.
And you, my friends, should reap the rewards of my resolutions!


My Little Room In The Corner said...

Shit! You always make me smile. I can see you, waving your meat and then skipping a beat as you realize what you are doing. LOL I could see it and was laughing so much that tears were streaming down my face! Thanks for the belly laugh.

Scot Vessell said...

Oh-my-god-Oh-my-god-Oh-my-god-Oh-my-god-Oh-my-god! I can't stop laughing, thinking of you waving meat at your neighbor. I think I just peed a little!!!

Anonymous said...

I got such a laugh about waving the meat too. My favorite 2009 story!

Anonymous said...

Ditto everybody else. I'm lmao right now thinking of you waving your little turkey breast! My sister is your superfit neighbor. I think MY role - on the other hand - is to give others a reason to feel real good about themselves!!